Radio7 Radio Show Progress–It’s Finished, but for Bob, too…

BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front): Radio7’s Radio Show, “Death of the Painter” is complete and posted to SoundCloud by Wade, with a total run time of 44:51. Here is the show, for your listening enjoyment:

Over the spring break, I reserved rooms at the HCC so we could record the audio tracks for the story on Monday after the break with backup reservations on Wednesday in case we need a re-do, then sent event notices to everyone.

This week, with the script completed by Amy, Mela and Katie, I went through and made a few minor edits before recording on Monday night, mostly for flow. Then I added narration at the beginning of each scene, to introduce what will be happening in the scene for the audience. We recorded for about three hours Monday night.

Wade decided it was easiest and fastest for him to do all the mixing, editing and adding background music by himself, so I offered to organize everything and make sure all the files were complete so everything was ready for him. I asked the team to place all their commercials, bumpers, and sound effects as a link from SoundCloud onto to our Google Docs, then I created a section for the commercials and bumpers, and placed them in script-order based on what made the most sense for both the story line and to make sure that no one’s work was back to back with any of their other work. For the sound effects, I created a separate section, copying text directly from the script after going through and highlighting everything that might require a sound effect. From there, Ellie, RJ and I picked a bunch of sounds, then found or created the sounds and placed the links next to sound in the sound effects section and everything was set for Wade by Wednesday night.

Wade realized the SoundCloud links on Google Docs weren’t easy to grab, so on Thursday morning, he was able to reach out to everyone, and have us send our files to him by email so he could finish everything by early Thursday evening. I think we were all surprised at how fast he was able to put all the moving parts together so well, in such a short time and create a finished product.

Kudos to everyone for meeting all the deadlines and putting in quality work and effort. This was a really good group of people to work with, and everyone was very helpful to each other, with no slackers but instead, making sure that we all succeed! Most importantly, no one had to have it their way and wasn’t in love with their work. If something got edited or changed, there was no argument, we just moved on.

My “named” contributions? I was a producer, director, editor, writer, voice actor, and created one bumper and provided nine sound effects. As a writer, I provided the intro; half of the outro; and narration for the beginning of six scenes.

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