Jenny H Multi-Modal Intro

I’m wonky. For now. First blog was my introduction ‘cuz I didn’t have it together. So here’s another intro in the Multi-Modal version that was originally asked for. It’s rusted….



Back in the day, Jazz was important and Watermelon Man by Herbie Hancock was uber cool. Then couple that with anything done by Chick Corea and it would really “send you” man….


Just the most awesome visual and aural experience for a rock concert, playing everything from the album Dark Side of the Moon. I always wanted to be a backup singer in a rock n roll band but a career in the Marine Corps got in the way of a good time. So, going to concerts was the next best thing. Again, the Corps got in the way by sending me to places like Okinawa Japan and Fallujah, Iraq, where there wasn’t a lot of American culture. But when I got back from Iraq, I got to meet Quincy Jones and Randy Jackson–got their autographs–at the “Rockin’ the Corps” concert at the beach at Camp Pendleton CA. It all comes out in the wash, eh? Got up close with Destiny’s Child, Hootie and the Blowfish, Ted Nugent, Kiss, and hung out with Ellen Degeneres’ DJ all night–he was cool. Gee, it’s got it’s own Wiki:,880%2C000%20servicemen%2C%20servicewomen%20and%20civilians%20at%20bases%20worldwide.


Lavender Hgts446

Lavender Heights B&B was open from 2012-2019

Lavender Hgts634

Breakfast at the former Lavender Heights Bed and Breakfast

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