Daily Creates
Mashup Assignment 771, Actor Transformation, 2.5 stars
Mashup Assignment 2124, On Broadway, 3 stars
Mashup Assignment 1864, Mash Thyself, Before Ye Trash Thyself, 3.5 Stars
Remix Generator, Where’s Waldo
Jump Shrimp Remix
The mashups and remixs were a lot more fun than I expected, and more straightforward. I was grateful to have found video and audio clips that were downloadable, maybe because I chose art that was so old that no one cared any more about licensing, or because I was using Firefox instead of Chrome. I’m still waiting to hear that someone else has seen The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension!! For me, it’s right up there with Rocky Horror Picture Show as cult classics go! I have detailed all the assignments in the embedded blogs, so enjoy, and “have a day!”