Daily Creates Week Five TDC 3677
The question was, What's the argument? My response was not an argument, they broke out in the song Iko Iko. https://twitter.com/JHolburd/status/1490145612079190017 Image from TDC 3677
The question was, What's the argument? My response was not an argument, they broke out in the song Iko Iko. https://twitter.com/JHolburd/status/1490145612079190017 Image from TDC 3677
This Daily Create 3678 was a spin-off on @PeaceLoveAndBot https://twitter.com/JHolburd/status/1490520501894139906
This TDC 3679 is all about creating an Unselfie. https://twitter.com/JHolburd/status/1490800414232612867
Twitter I figured out the three Daily Creates this week, trying to see how I could accomplish the task as quickly as possible and still satisfy the intent of the…
A relaxing VisualAssignments2109 called "Places of Peace". Bob Ross would have approved because it is a nice way to find a little bit of joy in my day, looking for…
This was fun. No pressure because I didn't have to find a good photo to work with. I could relax and look for one of my lamest photos, and I…
For this Visual Assignments1316 "Back to Basics", I chose a photo I had already altered that I called Dragon Teeth, that is a close-up of a succulent plant. I thought…
A few days ago, I went through about ten different photoblitz lists before landing on one I could completely accomplish in my personal space. Then it took me two more…
We feel excited, calm, happy and sad, many times based on the colors around us. So when the colors are changed up, what does that do? Check out what happens…
What Is This? For Visual Assignments 1882 "That's Not What I Expected", I not only took a close-up photo but then cropped it more closely to take away a lot…