Radio7 Radio Show Progress–It’s Finished, but for Bob, too…
BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front): Radio7's Radio Show, "Death of the Painter" is complete and posted to SoundCloud by Wade, with a total run time of 44:51. Here is the…
BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front): Radio7's Radio Show, "Death of the Painter" is complete and posted to SoundCloud by Wade, with a total run time of 44:51. Here is the…
This week has been wonderful to finally work with people who I've only been observing through their creativity online. I was happy to meet SIX real people in our meeting…
Our group, Radio7, is doing well, having finished our first week in the creation of our radio show that will be ready to air on Friday, March 11. We have…
This bumper is for AudioAssignments2616, part of our radio show that we're putting together. I don't want to give any more away so suffice it to say, I found two…
For this audio assignment, I'm bending the rules a bit in the interests of the radio show project. How about a dark take on Audio Assignment 1745, "Good Morning Message…
For our radio show design project, I decided to create a generic logo for our radio show group. We are named Radio7. It's simple, clean and there are seven of…
Design Week was easier from the perspective that the apps were more straightforward and easier to use, saving a lot of time. This was a much less aggravating, and much…
Yes, this is Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society, one of my favorite movies of all times. But that is not the famous quote that I chose for Design Assignments…
Inventing a Public Service Advertisement (PSA) for Design Assignment 817 that may fit with my long story and our good friend Bob's theme of Joy in all that we do,…
For DesignAssignments 1887, Motivational Poster, the task was to find an image and design a poster for that situation. I went at it backwards because my mantra for many moons…